Tag: COVID-19. We can do it!

People try to support doctors who find themselves on the front lines of the fight against coronavirus. Among them Industrialists, taxi drivers, students. Bring the right products are on duty in clinics, sew at home masks
In Russia the vaccine for coronavirus. Already completed testing of the prototype vaccines in mice and ferrets. It is assumed that the test on humans will begin in June
Theatres are closed, the shooting stopped, but without Prime will not stay. Auditions, screen tests, rehearsals moved online. In the breaks - you can do the country. "RG" learned how to live in the mode of isolation of the actors and Directors
How to keep the attention of the student at the screen, what the teacher avatar colourful and when to take a break during the online lesson, said the Director of the school, candidate of political Sciences Maria Kaluga
Self-isolation in terms of a raging epidemic of coronavirus has not bypassed and athletes. They have shared with readers "RG-Weeks" tips on how to keep in shape when not available gyms and Jogging

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