In the UK a group of scientists presented a new study showing that blue huge megaliths of Stonehenge were taken to the place of building of this object on land, not water, as previously thought.

a study published in the journal of Archaeological Science, and briefly about it tells Ancient Origins. The researchers refute the generally accepted hypothesis about the origin of the so-called altar stones of Stonehenge.

the fact that this archaeological monument consists of two types of stones. The first has a green-grey color, they consist of Sarsen – Sandstone local breeds. Previously it was shown that these stones were mined in the mine of the Marlborough downs approximately 32 miles from Stonehenge.

the Second type of stones called the altar, consists of rocks, known as dolerite and rhyolite, and has blue and Magenta-green. Their origin has long been a mystery.

However, not so long ago was invited to become a popular theory that they were mined in the quarry to Milford haven on the coast in Pembrokeshire in West Wales. This has led scientists to believe that the massive stones had to be transported on rafts up the Bristol channel to the territory of modern English County of Wiltshire.

In this case, the researchers first conducted a comparative mineralogical analysis of the altar stones of Stonehenge with the stones from the quarry Milford haven, using the most advanced technology. Although the boulders are similar to each other in appearance, their composition was not the same. Interest level of content of the various elements it turned out to be two different types of Sandstone.

it was Also measured the isotope ratios of these zircons – tiny crystals that are present in the composition of the Sandstone. This allowed us to determine the age of each stone. The boulders of Stonehenge and Milford haven, he was different, that finally expelled their “relationship”.

these results again raised the question about the origin of the altar stone that was already considered solved. Scientists have expanded their search and came to the conclusion that a similar altar stones Sandstone may be, for example, in the career of mill Bay to the South of the town of Abergavenny in the Preseli mountains. It is located much further to the East, on the border of Wales with England.

Scientists prove that the path of delivery of the altar stones from there to Stonehenge was even more distant than if they were transported from the coast. But it sure was a land that refutes the accepted theory of the delivery of the boulders on the rafts.

While scientists don’t explain how such huge stones the men were able to deliver to the place of destination by land. This occurred around 5,000 years ago, when he erected the famous archaeological site.

a recent isotopic�� analysis of human remains and animal bones found near Stonehenge, confirmed that the object began to be built about 3000 years BC. It is believed that in its final form, it could be formed about 4,000 years ago.