To the editor “RG” called the daughter of the participant of storm of Berlin Vasiliy Usachev. The inhabitant of Saratov saw the number of our newspaper dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day, the which well-known military photographer Anatoly Morozov made on 9 may 1945. In this photograph, standing with his back to the audience of soldiers with slung over his back with a gun painted on the wall of the Reichstag: “9.5.45. Usachev”.

-when I saw the picture in the newspaper, immediately recognized him, because in the folder with the documents that remained after the death of his parents, was a clipping from a newspaper with the same photo, – said Galina.

the Father of our reader – corporal Basil A. Usachev, went through the war since 1941 and finished it in Berlin. The family carefully all these years was kept and the diploma “the participant of the capture of Berlin”, signed by the commander of the First guards tank army, which stormed the enemy capital, the General-the Colonel Mikhail Katukov.

How to remember relatives during the war, saratovec served as a driver in the truck “Studebaker” in the motor transportation regiment in the army.

On the website “memory of the nation” to find a copy archive of award documents Vasiliy Usachev. “For exemplary performance of command assignments in the delivery of ammunition to the applicable parts, and for his courage was awarded the medal “For courage”. “On 16 March 1945 the station Ostromecko station Reblin delivered special delivery 10 hours ahead of time… For courage and heroism was awarded the second medal “For courage”, previously awarded the medal “For military merit”. On the front line the roads under the shelling and bombing with their dangerous cargo Vasiliy Usachev passed, as stated in one of the documents 13 132 kilometers.

Galina says that dad never talked about the war. As, incidentally, many veterans. In memory remain only a few photos of the war years. On the back of one is a faded picture of a man in military uniform – the words clear handwriting: “Photographed in the city Medynya his company, sent on 23 January 1942”. Another one spoiled by time photograph – woman, boy and little girl – wife and children of a soldier. This picture Vasiliy Usachev, as told by his daughter, carried with him throughout the war and brought back home.

her father went to the front, little Gal, she was only four years old, do not remember, but his return after the war, etched in my memory. It was December of 1945. The girl was in the second class.

In school one textbook then gave to the seven disciples, and we after school with a friend came to my house to write homework, – says Galina. – First, I struck the bag, which was lying under the racking. Went into the room – there bespo��yadok, some dishes on the table, so that even I was uncomfortable in front of your girlfriend. Went to meet my mom, flustered and confused. And in the second room I saw a man in a military uniform and realized that it was my dad’s back.

he recalls a resident of Saratov, soon after his return his father went to the market, bought some nuts and a Christmas tree. House dad made a cross for the Christmas tree and even nailed him to the floor below kept a tighter hold. On the feast came many neighborhood children.

– from somewhere pulled out a paper, which was a terrible deficit, and I made the bags, – says Galina. On bags wrote the names of the children who had to come and each one put on a small piece of pumpkin, which made mom instead of candy.

When children celebrated the New year, came a neighbor, looked at them and cried: not all men returned from the war.

Vasiliy Usachev before the war worked as a driver at the company, which was engaged in exploration of gas and oil. Having won, he returned to the same organization. Worked there for about forty years.

– a Lot of time spent on business trips, when he came home, he never scared us. I think a better father than mine could not be, – says Galina.

the photo of the soldier who left his name on the wall of the Reichstag, interesting story. Forty years later, in 1985, to the anniversary of the Victory were printed in large quantities postcard with this photograph, with the result that he gained fame.

in the Spring of last year in the journal “Rodina” (included in publishing house “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”) released a great publication on the participant of war, Semyon Ivanovich Usachev. Journalist Maria Rudenko met a veteran, who was then 93 years. Apparently that person photographed photographer frost. Interestingly, Semyon Ivanovich, as he underlined in conversation with the correspondent, in the storming of the Reichstag during the battle of Berlin did not participate. He fought in the Second Belorussian front North of the German capital and Berlin fell on may 9, after the end of hostilities. According to the veteran, the walls of the Reichstag by this time was filled with inscriptions of our soldiers and officers, so he asked the driver to customize the truck a little closer, stood on the side of the body, and so managed to reach yet free space, where he left his autograph.

Earlier media and social networks as a person depicted in a commemorative photograph, often called other veterans. Among them, driving in the reserve officer corps of the 18th army Mikhail Filippovich Usachev, after the war he lived in Chelyabinsk, at Peter Ivanovich Usachev from Tashkent, tanker Paul S. Usachev from Ulyanovsk, Nikolay Usachev from the Kirov region. On the website of the Russian Embassy in Germany to the Victory Day took place the exhibition��GCA of photographs from the archives of RIA Novosti, there the soldier in this photo is named Yegor Usachev. There’s nothing unusual here. The photo was taken from behind, quite possibly, people didn’t know that it is removed. A sign on the Reichstag in those days, thousands of soldiers and officers. Yes, and tried to identify themselves in the picture veterans and their families a few decades later. The probability of error is not excluded. Of course, I wonder who the namesakes depicted in the photograph. But is it really that important? The main thing – they all came to Berlin.

During the war, the family of a red army soldier Vasily Usacheva lived in Saratov. Recalls his daughter, by the end of the war the city had no fences, all dismantled for heating.

the Mother of sixteen hours a day working in a military hospital, we almost did not see, in kindergarten I was taken away and taking older brother nick, he was for dad, and for mom, – says Galina.

Once, when riding a roller coaster, in a large sleigh crammed a lot of children, they are turned over, everything went upside down.

– I a skate blade cut my nose, I cry, and my brother asks me to open the face: he wanted to ensure that the eyes remained intact, took me to the hospital, his nose stitched up. Another time was riding on a boat along the Volga river and almost drowned. After these accidents, the brother requested that I did not tell my mother, say, or not taking with me, and I was silent, – says Galina.

Once the children have received rationed food, and instead of sugar they were given the dates. My mother was very upset, because sugar can be added to porridge. Every day, Gale has given a few dates, she spied where they are, and slowly began to pull them out until my brother is found and not moved.

Past the house where the family lived, carried the machinery from feed mill cake, or “flask” as it was called. This primitive product in children of wartime was considered as a great delicacy. At the turn at the next street machine reduced its speed. There in the back of the truck climbed the boys and tried to dump the cake on the road, and the kids collected treats. Not far down the street was a military hospital, and then children were treated there wounded soldiers that Kolb.