the peak season on this route begins in July, when the strawberries ripen. And lasts until November – peak in the Urals time for cranberry harvesting.

What stories I have told about the past prosperity of narrow gauge roads in the swampy North-Eastern regions of the Urals. They say to get to the next logging, railway lines paved the gain: drop it on the ground rails, propped up by trunks of trees, and the trolley was rolling, where required. Still, if you want to take emotions – to stand on a narrow track.

In the Sverdlovsk region actually preserved and operates one of the largest in the country narrow-gauge Railways, which connects the city of Alapaevsk with distant villages of Sankino and roll. The roads certainly were, but they still find a way into the hinterland problematic, and on rails with a breeze! Moreover, in a civilized car with the locomotive at the head or on exotic vehicles, resembling a primitive trolley.

the people’s railway a miracle of technology called “pioneers” and “the Bedouin” – depending on the equipment homemade. In the local villages in the garages near the railway are up to fifty iron “Hey, let’s ride!”. However, they are used for mischief, but solely in the case to reach the district, to visit relatives, for berries, hunting, fishing.

Tourists ride infrequently. Non-native, probably, did not hear about the “pioneers”, but for us they are – business as usual. Even in a head did not come to PR and to earn on tourism. Following the route usually urban bloggers over the Internet, and we have then connected, – said one of the founders and owners of miracle of technology Alexander.

the Alapaevsk narrow-gauge railway locals say the monument. Of course, not official, but certainly historical. On the rails here you can easily find the stigma of the Tsar, Stalin and Brezhnev era. The first railway station in the local areas was discovered in the summer of 1898 – built narrow-gauge railway on the initiative and at the expense of the owners of the Alapayevsk iron works plant and working to carry loads to deliver. To lay on the swell of the rails was a matter more profitable than to pour the road.

the same principle create paths of movement survived under the Soviet regime. In 1970, the last century, narrow-gauge railway with all branches, stretches for 600 kilometers. Now rail Empire has fallen by more than half the length of the routes is 270 km. And, in contrast to the rollicking 1990s, when not a week passed without any crime reports about the theft of rails, now “way of life” in remote villages, local authorities are trying to cherish. The project is not cheap, therefore, supported the idea of development on the historic rails of tourism.

the First option is predictable and wentavailable to every tourist – the train with three passenger carriages goes from the railway station of the district of Alapayevsk to taiga village of Senkino three times a week.

Tickets for reserved seats where you can lie on the shelf – a little over $ 100. In General the car is two times cheaper. To book over the Internet is impossible. But the main disadvantage is different: there is a train in the taiga at 19:30 in the evening, when the sun is at sunset and natural beauty out the window to see.

Makes four stops at the villages and at the final station is in midnight. And in half an hour back. Chart, clear, tailored to local residents. For tourists a few years ago was launched spetssostav with soft carriage, day schedule and guide. But walks Ural “Orient Express” extremely irregular. The closest, according to our data, scheduled for 12 September this year.

the Second travel option for those who are ready to feel yourself a hero of one of the films about the adventures of Indiana Jones. A trip on the narrow gauge railway on the “pioneer” is, of course, not cine racing, but not for the faint of heart.

– If you have money, it means you must deliver well, and what insurance can be on the curve track? Just in case, I warn you all not to relax. Wheel at any time may jump, “pioneer” and turn over. So just that – jump immediately, in the swamp-that tea is not a sink, – shared with us the experience of Sergei Tretyakov, one of the owners of a homemade trolley.

the Trolley with a motor, popularly referred to as “pioneer” is a clever hybrid of a motorcycle with railway wheels. Making this vehicle from the decommissioned railway wheel pairs that hold the backrest from the iron beds and wooden flooring.

it is usually installed simple wooden bench, designed for four people. However, the number of riders possible options. Main motor power – the motors from motorcycles. Especially appreciated the motorcycle “Minsk” is there and the engine is easier than a Ural, and the power of good. Can accelerate to 60 kilometers per hour. “Newmachar” prefer speed in the 40-K. engine Starts as the boat, jerking the cord, and controlled trolley the wheel – stick. It – the emergency brake.

“Pioneer” is a miracle of technology dubbed for shustrost and the relative ease – the entire structure weighs about 120 pounds. Two men can lift and rearrange. After all, the narrow gauge railway their rules of movement: the frontal one must give way. The platform must be out of the way to the curb, and then again to return to the place. Usually goes off the rails “pioneer” without cargo, or one where more workers – that is passengers. It is clear that tourism “pioneer” no one can give will not. The road in one direction is about four o’clock.

– Comfort under the open sky, even he warns us Alexander, to sit hours on a hard bench is too extreme. Yes and no jackets and a raincoat is better not to meddle. The wind blows good.

But nimble car – like a taxi, the desire to stay and get to explore the beauty of nature, lost in the Ural marshes of the monastery, or to gather mushrooms and berries.

All texts of the story “Vacation-2020. There is a choice!” read .