Blogger Nastia Ivlieva complained of "injustice" due to quarantine in his instagram.

According to her, the regime of self-isolation she and many others wanted to sit at home or get to leisurely spend time with family, enjoy a glass of wine, a picnic area. But now she’s wondering when it will be possible again "to spin like a squirrel in a wheel".

"Those who are spinning and during the quarantine, now we have already a little jealous, and you probably want just the opposite: exhilarating and powerful party. What kind of injustice", — concluded Ivlieva.

Earlier blogger called the positive side of being in isolation.

According to the latest data, the number of infected in the world has exceeded four million, and approximately 275 thousand died.

Has registered 232 thousand infected, more than 43 thousand were cured, more than two thousand died.

Recent data on the situation of COVID-19 in Russia and the world presented on the portal stopmanager.of the Russian Federation.