Every three months specialists of the National centre of public control in the housing sector make a ranking of references of Russians in the regional “hot lines”. Usually the top complaints are: the increase of payments for communal, poor quality of repair, the dirt on garbage sites, leaking roofs and crumbling walls in the hallways. So it was in the first quarter of this year, when the country was still living a normal life. However, in April-may rates capital repairs were forgotten.

— Most people signal to the regional centres about the lack of disinfection of entrances or interested in rules of sanitation. Many fear the introduction of fees for disinfection and resent the illegal disconnection of water removal from-for debts during a pandemic and ask how we believe the metering devices that have expired and as of now pay for these resources, says the Executive Director of “housing Control” Svetlana Razvorotneva.

by the Way, a couple of days ago, the former chief sanitary doctor of Russia, and nowadays the Deputy of the state Duma Gennady Onishchenko said that the porches — most “forgotten” the place where you can pick up a coronavirus. “To best protect themselves from infection, we have to be in a mask and gloves when you leave your apartment on the landing. The entrance is also a public place! And if you get there during rush hour, when all the neighbors, too, go to work, then to obtain the infection can easily be”, — said Onishchenko in interview “to the parliamentary newspaper”. So the residents are absolutely right in your concern.

as for disconnection for debt in the period of a pandemic, water and electricity, reported by the Russians, is a gross violation of the law. Another thing is that because of the moratorium on the fines and penalties many people stopped to pay for communal — in some regions the number of defaulters reaches 50-60%. Maybe people have a glimmer of hope that the government will forgive them their debts?

— a Moratorium on penalties and interest imposed before January 1, 2021, — says Svetlana Razvorotneva. — Nobody said that it will be impossible to charge them for three years on the court. Just as accumulated over this time, the main debt that can collect interest (at a rate of refinancing of banks). Therefore, those who do not pay now, later will have to pay repeatedly. In addition, Medobory may result in the bankruptcy of service providers. Then the house will be left without services (heating, water, etc.) and without maintenance (cleaning, repairs, tehobsledovanie, preparation of engineering communications for the winter period). The last item faces serious technical accidents with very severe consequences.

surprisingly, during the period of isolation, the number of applications decreased compared to the “peaceful” time by 30% (in April there were about 1700 of calls, the may results have not been announced yet). It would seem that the “complainers” have more free time — you can collect detailed information about the faults service at home. But people are not dissatisfied even fees for garbage collection — but the topic was “top” in the last year (in connection with the introduction of new services for municipal solid waste management).

Complaints and consultations, the citizens are not limited. The new trend is to give the operator the dissatisfaction with the mode of increased readiness.

— Often, we receive calls with a request to assist in the abolition of all restrictions, — says Svetlana Razvorotneva. Is, of course, “not our profile”. But such requests so much that the consultants of the regional centers in recent years not only clarify the provisions and new regulations, but also work as a psychological aid to citizens who are in the mode of self-isolation.

Calling people of all ages and social statuses — pensioners, schoolchildren, students, businessmen. Operators explain that the quarantine is not eternal, but yet we must be patient — for your own good.

What most bothered the Russians in the housing and utilities sector in the first quarter of 2020?

1. Billing of housing and communal services — 1 253 treatment, 16.4% of the total.

2. Unsatisfactory condition, maintenance and repair of apartment houses — 1 075 cases, 14,1% of the total.

3. The management of apartment houses — 975 cases, for 12.8% of the total.

4. Overhaul — 843-treatment, 11% of the total.

5. The quality of public services — 538 cases, 7% of the total.

6. The municipal solid waste management — 459 cases, 6% of the total.

7. Accomplishment of territory — 450 cases, 5,9% of the total.

8. The General meeting of owners — 286 complaints, 3.8% of the total.

9. Common property (composition, return, disposal) of the 247 cases, 3.2% of the total.

10. Otherwise — 1508 cases, 19.8% of the total.