Ghent, Jonas De Vylder (28) is a fire fighter in the fire zone Center, and a photographer in each area. That is what makes him the perfect photographer for the fire department. In order to be both internally and to the outside world, to show how the coronacrisis to the world, he focused his lens on his peers.

“Now that we have a bit of a moment, and there are no spectators in the building, it is permitted, I wanted to be in the order of how we are right now,” says James. “We are in a unique position. Hopefully we will make it just one more time. A normal run of the brandweermedewerkers, and the ambulanciers, for example, criss-crossing each other, but are now in the middle of the ambulanciers in the area as well. I want to be at the same time, the outside world, and internally, to employees to show how their current situation looks like.”

the Following pictures are some examples of the pictures that James took in and around the building.