the great Victory has many authors. Someone believes that a decisive contribution to the defeat of the Nazis made combat aircraft – “Stalin’s falcons”. Someone vote for tank forces, the legendary T-34. Well, someone sure guarantee of victory lies in the propaganda work of the ideologists of the time. Which opened the eyes of the enemy soldiers due to the Soviet leaflets in their trenches.

“MK” followed the history of contractions with “leaflets” in the period of the great Patriotic war.

But first the Soviet military flyer, designed to demoralize enemy troops, appeared in June 1941, as one would expect, and in 1938-39 gg, when the Red Army fought with the Japanese at lake Khasan and Khalkhin Gol. Of course, she was Japanese and told the enemy soldiers the truth about Japanese militarism, and that the generals just use them as cannon fodder. “War needs only to generals and rich!”

In those early years the idea is to disrupt the enemy from within was born after our combat troops were train 1st separate red banner division. Where there was a little typography and fonts on Japanese, Chinese and Korean.

However, contemporaries recognized that the effect of the propaganda was very low. That is, the first pancake went a clod. There were some difficulties with the text. And with translations into Japanese, too, agree, not the easiest in the world characters.

In General, it turned out that the leaflets behind enemy lines were delivered very late, often after the battle, which was preparing the red army took place. 60 thousand Japanese soldiers at the river Khalkin-Gol capture was only 90, and of these, only four surrendered voluntarily, believing the Bolshevik propaganda.

In the future, ideological skills honed on the Finnish front, 1939-40 But also without any result. In those years it was believed that you need to play on class contradictions of ordinary soldiers and their commanders, representatives of the bourgeois class. Whereas in Finland there were no sharp differences between rich and poor.

on 27 June 1941, five days after the beginning of the great Patriotic war, was made the first Soviet leaflet “the German soldiers!” She encouraged Wehrmacht soldiers to end the senseless war and go to the side of the red army. Two days earlier in Moscow was organized by the Soviet Bureau of political-military propaganda, under whose auspices the terrible war years and published all promotional materials.

80% Of them in the enemy’s camp were transported by military aircraft, and the rest spread out guerrilla, the underground, the troops used artillery and special tools that wateringAli the German trenches not metal and shrapnel, and leaflets. In open sources it is reported that in the first year of the war on the heads of the German soldiers collapsed, more than 650 million leaflets! They called upon the Nazis to come to their senses, start to “fight for a common cause”. In General, repeated the story of the battles at Halkin-Gol, and on the Finnish front.

Without a real sentiment in the army of the enemy.

the First year of the war showed that the authors of the leaflets incorrectly placed accents. They appealed to the class consciousness of the German people, drugged by fascist propaganda, the solidarity of the proletarians of all countries. Although sow strong doubts that the third Reich “in a few days will complete the Eastern campaign”, the Germans was not conducted for such tricks.

why would it? As they could not trust their Fuhrer, if he’s already conquered almost all of Europe, allowed his soldiers to commit any crime for the sake of the Fatherland, and after the victorious end of the war promised each Hans land in the occupied territories?

There are naked appeals will not take.

Soon the heroic Red Army understood how to prepare leaflets: when in December the 41st launched a counteroffensive from the walls of Moscow and was one after the other to free Soviet cities.

Text of ultimatums and appeals massively to surrender signed by the Marshal of the red Army and the commanders of the fronts.

Them, the Soviet commanders, German zoldaten trusted more. The first cases of organized surrender of enemy platoons, companies and the entire battalion began in March 1942.

However, the soldiers, being in captivity, I was puzzled why the Red Army is calling all Germans Nazis. After all, the Nazis – it’s Italy, Mussolini and his clique. And they, the Germans, the national socialists.

Perhaps, in the camps they were in no hurry to explain that Hitler’s “socialism” has nothing to do with the bright image of the Soviet socialism. And only his discreditied.

of course, not asleep and gambalevskaya ideology. Drafting leaflets was the Ministry for popular enlightenment and propaganda. There were about 2000 employees. Their main task was using the word, on the one hand, to create in the ranks of the red army defeatism, panic. And on the other – a positive image of captivity. A printed material supplied with a special pass in German captivity. Where nobody will bother strict morality, remembering the rules code of the Builder of communism. And where everyone voluntarily surrendered at discretion, secured and clean linens, and food for German soldiers.

always and Everywhere the fascist propaganda emphasized that their army is not war on the Soviet Union and the liberation mission “of the Communists and the Jews.” Anti-Semitic theme is constantly present in any “old��rmational” German bomb.

it is considered that the German ideology was not eager to Excel in ideological battles for the reason that proceeded from the principle “we still win”. According to experts, the style of German leaflets differed rude and cynical bravado. For example, “Stalingrad will take the bombing in Astrakhan will come in with an accordion!” The Germans had the order: “ordinary people are much more primitive than we imagine. Propaganda should be simple and repetitious”.

But there were also funny moments. So, on one of the leaflets depicted fleeing from German tanks is a Communist. Ask his countrymen: where are you running? “Aimlessly,” he replies. “But why, after the victory will be ours!” “That’s it, always behind us, on the armor of German tanks!”- he says.

in General, a war for life and death of 1941-45, the city won the heroic Soviet people. Including each branch, including the authors of the leaflets. A little late, but shouted to the Germans: “Hitler kaput!”