Valeria responded to the words of the wearer’s instagram criticizing the producer Joseph Prigogine.

In one of its publications, the artist noted that during a pandemic people have come up with a lot of "funniest joke", and asked the subscribers which ones they liked. However, in the review, in addition to anecdotes, there was also criticism in the address of the husband of the singer.

"I think funny is your husband Joseph. He does by other people is no different. As you step in it with his tongue. And you are not happy," wrote @romanova_rima8.

Valeria stood up for Prigogine, while acknowledging that his words were probably "too loud".

"Loud, maybe too, but drew attention to a serious issue, and many cultural figures of his, of course, supported," retorted the singer.

The other day, after Prigogine that popular artists live in poverty due to the cancellation of speeches between him and musician Sergey Shnurov conflict broke out.

The leader of the "Leningrad" several times criticized Prigogine, and he said that Shnurova not be avoided "tough talk" and have to apologize to Valeria, which he mentioned in his poems.

Before about the plight of artists, and told the showman Sergey Glushko, known under the name of Tarzan. According to him, artists, in contrast to "grandparents" do not get a penny.

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