the Seventh expedition, which from 2014 will organize Kuzbass state Museum, was supposed to go in Chebulinskoe district in June, however, due to coronavirus plans had to be adjusted. In addition, a rapid flood of this spring has shifted the terms of the preliminary monitoring of the territory of Shestakovsky Yar. But once the water receded, washed away by the river of steep banks Kii literally showered artifacts – the tooth of a mammoth, bones of bison and other animals of the Quaternary period.

the First working group of the expeditionary force should be sent from Kemerovo in early July. And then it intend to join colleagues from Tomsk and St. Petersburg.

– Hopefully the excavations will take part eight of our undergraduate and graduate students, – shared his plans with the Professor of the Department of vertebrate Zoology Saint-Petersburg state University, doctor of biological Sciences Paul Skucas. In paleontology, the young people go willingly, and they need practice with studies based on modern methods. Such a polygon may be Shestakovo.

Tomsk, paleontologists started to work in Kuzbass “cemetery of dinosaurs” in 1995. Among their finds was the remains of Mesozoic mammals, prehistoric birds, amphibians and sauropod (giant herbivorous dinosaur). And once in 2014 in Shestakovo began excavations experts of the Kemerovo Museum, this list has grown considerably. As explained head of the Department of research and collections of the Museum Dmitry Slobodin, it has already found over a dozen skeletons of psittacosaurs, and the skull crocodylomorph reptiles, fragments of skull and skeleton of an ancient mammal.

Professor of the Zoological Institute RAS Alexander Averyanov said that well-preserved samples from the Kemerovo collections was scanned on a CT scanner at the Institute of science and technology SKOLKOVO. Created a three-dimensional model of the skull of “Psittacosaur Siberian” which will allow to study the structure of his brain and to learn about how has seen, heard and sensed these animals. And collected by the Museum has a unique collection of skulls of different ages of skin remains will give the opportunity to learn about age-related changes of the beings of this species.

– it Is time to summarize and draw conclusions from the set of accumulated facts, – said the representative of the Tomsk school of paleontology candidate of geological-mineralogical Sciences Stepan Ivantsov. – There is still no consensus on how formed Shestakovo-3, where ninety percent of the bones belong to the psittacosaurs and only ten percent of mammals, birds, turtles, sauropods and other animals. Why such a large concentration of the remains of one of the species formed in this place? After examining all the finds that are stored in the Kemerovo and T��the MCS, organizing joint scientific and educational practice, we will try to answer this and other questions.


Experts believe that for the promotion of the paleontological heritage should take an inventory of findings, combining all of these materials on the digital platform. While in the country found the bones of fifteen species of dinosaurs (for comparison: globally, more than a thousand species) and there are three dozen places where at least some of them the remains of prehistoric creatures. So, work needs to continue and intensify. Including in Shestakovo, where, in addition to dinosaurs, there are plenty of archaeological, historical and natural monuments. Here decided to create a research and Museum-tourist complex.