The Danish kendiskok and ‘dancing with the stars’contestant Umut Sakarya has been single.

he writes in a posting on his Instagram profile.

‘Dear all, Clara and I agreed to end our relationship as lovers and continue as friends,’ writes the popular chef social media.

He writes, that both parties are a little bored by the breach, but that it is done in order to avoid future accident.

‘We have chosen to stop while it was good before it was too late and the red tape,’ he writes.

Umut Sakarya is badly affected by corona-the pandemic, as he has been forced to close its three restaurants Guldkroen, Guldgrillen and Guldkebab.

in Order to avoid layoffs rates he on the takeaway, and lets be paying salaries to themselves.

“I can easily survive. What can my employees do not. They have wives and children at home,” he said to B. T. in the month of march.