With the invasion of a novel coronavirus a particularly acute problem of obtaining medical care to residents of sparsely populated and remote from “civilization” settlements, scattered in different corners of our vast. Doctors here and in normal times – guests are not frequent, but extremely desirable, and in times COVID-19 – even more so.

At the time, to solve the problem of medical care in rural areas, where there are no permanent clinics and hospitals, launched the program, designed for 2018 – 2020, to subsidize the creation of medical stations for communities with populations of 100 to 2,000 people.

But the practice showed that in each village, where about a hundred people, construction of health clinics and the contents there of at least a few doctors – an impossible task for local budgets. Even with subsidies from the government. What can we say about very small settlements where lives less than 100 people! And it turns out that not leave the inhabitants of such settlements without medicine is possible only with the help of mobile feldsher-midwife stations (FAP) is a kind of doctor’s offices on wheels.

Outwardly, this car looks like a normal bus. Most often this role is unpretentious workaholic-“Lasik”. Inside this machine instead of the usual rows of seats installed medical equipment. Domestic bus turned out to be best suited for such purposes. In the Russian provinces, as a rule, smooth asphalt can be detected only occasionally. And the GROOVE machine is hardy and undemanding, able to overcome the unpaved roads and hillsides. On Pavlovo bus plant, mobile medical centers created on the basis of models PAZ-3205 and “Vector 8.8”. Now the company is preparing for certification for use as a feldsher-midwife stations and the bus of a new family– the “NEXT Vector”. The choice of Pavlovskiy bus as a base for the manufacture of mobile health units is also due to the fact that the cost of a ready FAP with all high-tech medical “stuffing” is pretty big. And to reduce the final price, the cost of the basic machine must be low. From this point of view for PAZ-3205 today, competitors is hard to find.

Now Pavlovsky bus plant produces annually about 100 machines that are intended to be converted under the mobile FAP. Anyway, as such the volume of purchases of this type of technology, despite the current national project “Health”, large call fails. Meanwhile, now, during the pandemic coronavirus, was critical of the regularity and frequency of a survey of medical residents of remote and sparsely populated areas. The construction in these settlements clinics, even if ethe extra will be money, will require a long time for paperwork, a building, summarizing communications. And assistance to the sick and prevention of SARS in healthy are required now. Here you can find mobile clinics, because to proceed to the examination of patients they do not require any construction.

In such a scenario recently mobile medical office on the basis of the bus the GROOVE-3205 acquired Taskovski district under Saransk. Thanks to him, one leaving the local doctors had the opportunity to visit three settlements. Inside this “keyway” is equipped with everything necessary for a good physical examination: ECG, portable Express analyzer, cardiac markers, defibrillator-monitor, gynecological chair, equipment for testing and other devices. Mobility and adaptability to the operation in complicated road and weather conditions PAZ makes medical care accessible to all.

in Addition to the “Pavlovsky bus plant”, mobile health units produces “Gorky automobile plant”. In Nizhny Novgorod mobile infirmary released on the minibus “GAZelle NEXT”, which can also be equipped with essential medical equipment and life support systems. The car can be turned into x-ray room, the point of reception of donor blood, mammography or cardiology, dental surgery and other options. So, the minibus turns into a full-fledged workstation for doctors in different fields who can provide assistance to residents of remote settlements in a comfortable environment.

Mobile laboratory on the basis of “GAZelle NEXT” for several consecutive years participate in the annual all-Russian campaign for free anonymous rapid testing for HIV infection. Thanks to its technical characteristics, these medical machines easily overcome thousands of kilometers across the country, allowing residents of even the most remote corners of Russia to undergo rapid testing, and to consult health workers. This year the campaign started on June 26 and will end on November 16. During this time the mobile testing on the basis of “GAZelle NEXT” will be attended by about 200 cities in 45 regions of the country.