Russian TV presenter, ex-member show “Dom-2” Victoria Bonia explained his words about receiving the minimum wage “alcoholics and nishabdh”. The video she has published in his Instagram account.

Bonia said that was not referring to all Russians, only suffering from alcoholism. “If these words hurt the person he needs at least to classify themselves as alcoholics, to those who are sitting on the couch and not doing anything, and also to those who hasn’t run for anything,” — said TV presenter.

According to her, it was about people who “have become the dregs of society.” Bonia also stressed that opposes raising the minimum wage.

Earlier, Victoria Bonya in your Instagram account opposed to the Constitution had been amended on the minimum wage.

In April, the Russian unemployed who applied to the employment service after March 1, was assigned the maximum possible payment in the amount of 12130 rubles. It complies with the Federal minimum wage. Voting on amendments to the Constitution, originally scheduled for April 22, was postponed to 1 July.