Basharov got drunk and talked to a chair video

The video was published on the website of the publication StarHit.

It is possible to see how the artist sits at a table, holding one hand behind his head and something mutters. “What it does? Yes, nothing,” he says.

Brother ex-wife of actor Elizabeth Savercool claims that Basharova problems with alcohol, which he often behaves inappropriately. The man threatened to publish the compromising artist, if he continues to insult his sister in the social networks.

Earlier Basharov posted on his Instagram account several photos and videos ex-wife. On one of the videos you can see how a couple swears at the child, and Shevarkov accused the actor that he is in a state of intoxication, and asks him to go with her because “daddy got drunk.” In another post Basharov published a picture with Savercool, saying that “it’s already asks for money”.