When at stake is the life of a loved one, people are willing to move mountains. The wife of St. Petersburg Vladimir Abramov, sick with coronavirus, turned not one mountain, but we ran into an insurmountable obstacle – bureaucracy. Almost two weeks Ella Abramova fought for the salvation of her husband, who 13 days was on a ventilator. May 13, Vladimir did not. He was 54 years old.

the Woman did the impossible – in the social networks found in donor blood plasma. That’s just plasma to the patient is not reached.

on the Eve of the death of Vladimir we talked with his wife Ella. The woman was holding. Don’t know how she was getting along. To the last she believed that her husband will save. Can burn healthy man within days?

Today I am going to consult with familiar doctors, call the hospital where he received treatment Vladimir.

in the Morning I received a phone call from Ella.

– it makes No sense to call anywhere. In the morning her husband died.


I could not Express condolences. There was nothing I could say. If numb. My throat is dry.

So silent. On one end of the line Ella. On the other I.

– I never even got to say goodbye, even though we were in the same hospital. Now let me go home – broke the silence of Ella. – Take the CT, if all goes well will be discharged. And where am I to go? In an empty apartment, where I would be locked up for two weeks in isolation. There I will die.

I did not kill Ella with information that at a funeral, most likely, also will not let go – a two-week regime in isolation it is not canceled.

This text I wrote when I was still hope for the salvation of Vladimir.

“After 10 days on a ventilator my husband developed sepsis”

Coronavirus Ella and Vladimir Abramov experienced together. Spouses were infected in one day. The disease proceeded in the standard scheme – malaise, fever, sore throat. At first, he stayed at home. To go to the hospital feared. A therapist from the clinic prescribed antibiotics.

April 29, Vladimir has a high fever, had difficulty breathing. They called an ambulance. Family hospitalized in SPB GBUZ “City hospital №20”.

Spouses separated the floors. Ella was in the Department for patients with a mild form of coronavirus. Vladimir – in the intensive care unit.

the Last time the woman heard the voice of her husband before the holidays.

on may 1, the phone disconnected.

the Man was connected to a ventilator.

And then all hell broke loose.

– All the may holidays, I begged to my husband’s treatment used the method of plasma transfusion of blood with antibodies to COVID-19 – told Ella. Everywhere wrote that in Moscow, plasma transfusions, and people becomes easier. Peter also began to use this method.

I corresponded with a relative of one doctor, who was lying in the Institute name of Pavlov. He poured the plasma became easier. Written off with a girl from the city hospital of St.atogo George – her sister was on the ventilator. She initially refused to replace the plasma, then gave in. So the patient the next day was better, they took her off the ventilator.

Ella was questioned by the doctors at the hospital for plasma. Rested against a blank wall of silence. To reach the leadership of the hospital did not work, phone did not answer. The hospital site during the may holidays stalled.

miraculously, the woman found a cell phone number head of the emergency room, where lay her husband. The doctor supervised the workflow of the St. Petersburg clinical hospital of infectious diseases hospital. Botkin, where she was treated.

– the Head of Department advised me to find their own donor blood plasma to negotiate – continues Ella. We found such a person on social networks. The man donated blood in scientific research Institute of Pavlov in the Department of transfusion medicine. I naively assumed that now we are calmly going to take the plasma and transfused to her husband. Moreover, the head of the Department of Transfusiology in the Institute said, “Please take it, just let your hospital sends us a formal request”.

And then Ella collided with the concrete wall of bureaucracy, the breakdown of which failed.

– a Formal request, our hospital decided to try it. As it turned out, different hospitals funding: our hospital №20 in the city of nia Pavlova – Federal. Relationships between departments impossible. Head of resuscitation Department said no plasma, we get. I said, “Where did they get our plasma”? And I heard: “Leave for their research experiments.” Now I understand that the assistant is likely to know these nuances, and understand that our hospital, the query will not write.

Ella was advised to go to the hospital №40, which opened a donor center to recover from Covid-19.

the Woman resumed the search for another donor. Said one girl. However, the attempt to pass the plasma were not successful.

Here is a message sent to a potential donor Ella: “In the 40th hospital did not get through – busy or not answered. Called the station of blood transfusion. They said that had nothing to do with this. Botkin I got the hand were sent back to the blood transfusion station. I’m there again. I was advised to call in some research Institute. There I was sent. And very rude and hung up. Don’t even know how to be.”

About their problems Ella said the head of the intensive care unit. She said, “do Not look for more donors. That’s all changed. Now under no circumstances hospital No. 20 cannot use transfusions of blood plasma, even if we steal it. Because the introduction of this treatment in our hospital, we don’t have enough normative documentation”.

Ella didn’t give up. Examined the question, raised document��doing the hospitals of St. Petersburg. Found, indeed, in St. Petersburg, the plasma can only run a few clinics. Hospital No. 20 in the list was not there.

– you Know what I should do? Out in the hallway of the office, catching the doctors who passed by to know how do I proceed? My doctors shrugged their shoulders they didn’t know.

I stood for hours and waited maybe run through the head of the Department, talk to me. Then I began to scold, saying, do not specify the doctors, how they work, continues Ella. – I’ve found a donor ready to donate blood for plasma at any time, but the doctor insisted that plasma is not effective, this is an experimental method, not a panacea.

I wrote the application in intensive care, doctors gathered the Commission has evaluated the possibility of applying this method to my husband. My daughter was sent the name of the physician electronic telegram with the same requests. But it was all about the lack of regulations – the hospital had not given permission for blood transfusions. Although at the time my husband was still allowed to save him.

“Miracles do not happen.”

may 10, Ella realized that the story of the plasma can be closed. Asked need some medicine for my husband. It calmed just enough, the standard treatment, the patient is injected with antibiotics of the last generation.

may 11, Vladimir was sepsis, which was a contraindication to the use of donor blood.

– I asked the doctors how they determined a diagnosis, a blood test did not take it. It appeared, based on the clinical findings – tachycardia, high pulse, high temperature, adds Ella. – Asked the question: “In your practice, managed to pull the man from this state, there is a chance that I’ll survive?” And I heard: “we Have such miracles did not happen.” I frantically started to search the hospital, where saving people with sepsis, but it turned out that to transport her husband to another hospital dangerous.

on may 12, when we were talking to Ella, her still cherished the hope for the salvation of her husband. She wants to know, maybe some doctors will accept a patient with COVID-19 and sepsis.

I don’t have time to learn.

may 13, Vladimir did not.

– my Husband was only 54 years old, he worked as a driver of emergency vehicles in the company “Peterburggaz”. I think there infected. Although, it doesn’t matter. I have one question – who are the people who received transfusions of plasma, how do they do that? And why patients in some hospitals give a chance for salvation and not others?