MOSCOW, may 22 — RIA Novosti. the Temperature in the coming days will be 6-7 degrees below normal, then the deviation will decrease to 2-3 degree, but then again comes the cold, and only to the end of the month, perhaps 25 degrees in the afternoon, told RIA Novosti the scientific Director of the hydrometeorological center of Russia Roman Vilfand.

“Before it gets warmer, we need still to get used to the fact that the temperature is quite low. Tomorrow and the day after will be below 6-7 degrees below the average. any decent values predicted for Monday, but will still be 2-3 degrees below normal. The temperature is 17-18 degrees, on Tuesday even one degree warmer and then again a slight drop in temperature and until the end of the month the temperature reaches 25 degrees,” — said the scientist.

He explained that the heat wave was typical for the last 20 days of may, and will be characteristic for the remaining days of the month.

Vilfand noted that the warming at the end of may will be change atmospheric circulation, which will cause the appearance of air masses from southwest.

“Now European Russia is in a region of low pressure, which determines the circulation of the atmosphere. We are on the periphery of the cyclone, even trough such Moscow directed, but by Monday, the pressure will significantly increase and will exceed the norm. Precipitation will be small, partly cloudy. The change in the circulation causes the air mass will be southwest and it will lead to increase in temperature,” said forecaster.

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