But are signs of people today? And is it worth to them to take seriously?

Meteorologist national signs taken seriously. “We are all well-known popular signs regarding the weather, analyzed, and came to the conclusion – not true they are! “- told the “Russian newspaper” scientific Director of the hydrometeorological center of Russia Roman Vilfand. According to him, it all depends on the weather outside. Until mid-August in the Central regions, as a rule, is still worth quite warm weather. And sometimes the whole of August is warm. And even September, as has happened in the last two years. And the water temperature is about the same as the air temperature. And even if sharply colder, the water cools down instantly. Need a few cold days in order to keep the water in the rivers and ponds cold.

At the same time Vilfand recalls that in the second half of August, the nights have become cool. Drop of dew – the harbingers of autumn.

When there was a popular superstition that after Ilyin of day not swim, no one will say. But it is scientifically proven that the average global temperature more than 1 degree exceeded the pre-industrial era (XIXth century). And the last five years, according to the world meteorological organization, was the warmest in the entire history of observations.

And winter in temperate latitudes have become milder. “Take the winter signs of a cold should be at Christmas, on Epiphany. But every year it happens. On January 7, and January 19, the weather is warm. Remember only last winter in Moscow! Morozov did not exist, as the snow almost,” – said Vilfand.

the Forecaster also adds that to the weather signs is to be skeptical because they are too common. But the climate in Moscow and Sochi, Murmansk and Novosibirsk are very different. But August and September are generally the best time for vacation in subtropical and Mediterranean climates, which in Russia is in the Krasnodar region and the Crimea. “The velvet season” is good because the water temperature in the seas and air temperature are about the same. It is comfortable for the human body.