“I think future research will show that we were right.”

How to say freediving and vejrtrækningsekspert Stig Severinsen, who believe that he can get the hard hit corona-patients to easier to get over the infection.

The Danish freediving has won four world championships and was according to the ‘Guiness Rekordbog’ the first in the world to hold their breath for 22 minutes.

today, he teaches the air force and the Danish frogman corps in the mental training, just like he uses breathing in the rehabilitation of chronic patients and among other things has been to get a paralyzed lyme disease-patient to rise, and even leave Hvidovre Hospital on foot.

So, Stig Severinsen has set the correct breathing to create miracles. And, especially during the current corona epidemic, he believes that he can make a difference.

“The Danish health care system is not at all geared to the epidemic. But I think if we can give people a stronger åndedrætsmuskulatur, so there is less need for respirators,” says Stig Severinsen to B. T.

In its business Breathology he or she sells training videos with a focus on breathing and mental training, but the ones he has now chosen to make the free under the current corona-crisis. You can see a preview of the exercises over the article.

at the same time, he has partnered with the company Airofit to produce preliminary 5.000 small breathing-tools – a small mouthpiece with resistance – as they hope to be able to get distributed out to specific at-risk citizens so that they can work out the lungs.

if you Ask Anders Loop, specialeansvarlig chief physician for the lungemedicinske area of Vejle Hospital, then it is optimistic to believe man can work out his lungs to clear themselves without the respirator.

“It’s probably not a big difference, for whether one should have the respirator depends on how damaged the lungs are,” says Anders Løkke, who, however, recognises the Stig Severinsens good results with for example COPD patients.

“And COPD patients avoid like to work out, because they can’t get air. But getting the means to exploit respiratory capacity, so they can exercise and be in better physical shape, so they’re a little bit better prepared, if they were to get a coronavirus,” reckons the chief physician, but maintains that there will still be an increased risk, once the lungs are damaged.

But will a young and healthy person then be able to work out the lungs and lower the risk of having in the respirator?

“We look in advance, not very many young people who die of coronavirus. The youngest in Denmark was 50 years, so the youth is doing to go a long way frisag. Those who are not doing it, is already weakened and has other problems, which are crucial for how wrong it goes,” he says and points out that one can also die of corona, without that it is the lungs that are the problem.

So you think you can do anything to prepare before any corona infection?

“No,” says Anders Løkke, however, will never advise anyone to train their lung capacity – corona-epidemic or not.

Stig Severinsen do believe, however, remains as much on the project, he in addition to give its courses away for free himself has donated large sums to the production of Airofits respiration-tools, as they will give free away to the particularly vulnerable.

“There are good reasons for no evidence, for there has never been to corona before. But we know that one can train his ability to breathe, and we know that it generally strengthens the immune system,” he says.

“You will, of course, not a superman of our exercises, and you should not believe that, then you can just go out and hugging his grandmother. But we believe that we can relieve the process and the remedy that many are getting a difficult illness with a respirator,” he insists.

Stig Severinsen believes that in a few days can learn to breathe right, but that it especially has an effect on the long runway, where you can get ready, for when the second wave of coronavirussen framework.

“But it is never a bad idea to train his breathing. It can also help alleviate stress, as well as the anxiety and uncertainty, many will sit with in this unusual crisis situation.”