the head of the region presented to the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on health Dmitry Morozov and President of the League of nation’s health, President of the National medical research center of cardiovascular surgery Leo Bokeria, the experience of the region on building a system of improving public health and the project “Thank you doctors”.

– the region has developed a program of rehabilitation free of health workers in health centers, organized tourist trips of the day. Funds allocated from the regional budget. It is important for us to preserve the health of our health workers, who are now at the forefront of the fight against coronavirus infection. To date, 370 physicians and more than 130 members of their families have rest in sanatoriums of the region. 390 health workers took part in guided tours of the Ulyanovsk region. It is planned to improve health of more than 900 medical workers.

the Ulyanovsk Governor also expressed gratitude to the leaders forum for the appreciation of the work of the regional authorities in the discussed direction.