The witness of the accident, which killed the musician Viktor Tsoi, revealed new details of the tragedy in an interview with NTV.

According to the woman, she lives a hundred meters from the place where the crashed actor. She told me that she saw the car of a musician swept past her house at high speed, and then sharply flew into the oncoming lane and crashed into the bus. The woman said that from-for strong blow the car’s engine flew off to the tree.

The interviewee told the channel that called the ambulance and law enforcement officers. She also added that helped to get the body of Choi out of the car.

A day after the accident, the woman learned from the local investigators, that the blood of the musician allegedly found 1.2 per Mille of alcohol. However, later this information was removed from documents, says the woman.

Viktor Tsoi died at the age of 28 on 15 August 1990 after his “Moskvich” flew into the oncoming lane and collided with the bus “Ikarus” on the road Sloka — Talsi. The bus driver was found not guilty.