Sofia Rotaru recently turned 73 years old. Birthday star celebrated with family.

The singer posted on instagram a family photo from the festival, which was captured well as her family – a son, a sister, grandchildren.

Netizens stunned – Rotaru looks younger than her own son!

Microblogging artist is full of admiring comments.

“Queen Sophia!!! Beautiful and young! Probably, 37, is no more!”, “Well, how old are you? No more than 35! The unearthly beauty of a woman!” “How and where you acquired the secret of eternal youth?! You are an enchantress, nothing else!”.

As previously wrote “the Rambler”, the house actress is on the “Ukrainian ruble” — in the area of Koncha-Zaspa South of Kyiv. The mansion is surrounded by tree-lined avenues and flower beds.

Publish from Sofia Rotaru / Sofia Rotaru (@sofiarotaru.official) 8 Aug 2020 at 8:10 PDT