Blogger Lena Miro gave an assessment of the meals, which feeds humorist Evgeny Petrosyan with his young wife Tatiana Brukhanova. According to her, an artist with a big belly now looks as if at any moment you may die of a heart attack.

According to the blogger, Petrosian fed high-calorie and fatty foods, cakes and other sweets.

after Looking at these culinary perversion, I thought: could micro-dose of arsenic in food to mix. The effect would be the same: loyal and pretty quick death, wrote in his blog.

She added that such a diet for 74-year-old actor is likely to be disastrous, and Brukhanova can not understand this.

I Have one the impression that getting from Petrosian naslednichka and after ascertaining that in his will spelled out her name, Tanya feeds the old man so that, as put it mildly — did not stay in this world? — asked the blogger.

Earlier reported that Tatiana Bruhanov told how her parents treat unequal marriage. According to 31-year-old wife of comedian, mother and father supported her choice. In early March Brukhanova and Petrosian vacationing in the United Arab Emirates. In mass media there was information that they had had a child from a surrogate mother.