Prosecutor of the Central area of Chelyabinsk has made a court may payments to the 91-year-old veteran of the great Patriotic war. About it URA.RU told in the press service of the regional Prosecutor’s office.

The Supervisory authority sued the Pension Fund of Russia, which refused to pay the old man a ten thousand, appointed by the President. Its refusal to Fund due to the fact that the man was not involved in the fighting of 1941-1945. Thus from 1948 to 1951 he was engaged in the liquidation of bandit formations on the territory of Ukraine and the Baltic States, this category of former soldiers law are equated to veterans of the great Patriotic war.

The Central district court satisfied the claim of the Prosecutor. The pension Fund tried to challenge the decision in the regional court, but the higher court left the sentence unchanged and ordered the defendant to pay, recognizing a pensioner entitled to receive the money.

Every year in may, the Russian veterans receive ten thousand rubles for the Victory Day. In 2020, they will receive additional payments in 75 thousand roubles on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Victory and home front workers — 50 thousand.