to Put a spoke in the wheel and to deny citizens to accept the claims due to the fact that they have brought a document, prohibited by the Supreme court. The servants of Themis will have to work with what we have, and ask the plaintiffs to provide the missing paper in the proceedings of the case.

As it became known “MK”, until higher authority came a dispute about children between the former spouses from Krasnodar. The plaintiff was the father. The man wanted the offspring lived with him. But when applied to the local temple of justice, the problems began from the doorway. The judge flipped through the petition and gave the citizen “from gate turn”. It turned out that the initiator of the litigation is not brought all the documents necessary to resolve such disputes. For example, to a claim he has made the act of examination of housing conditions, the confirmation of their residence in Krasnodar and a number of other papers. In addition, the plaintiff did not bring proof of income and information about your schedule. First, the court left the claim without movement, and then returned it to the applicant. The armed forces have found this practice unfair. A panel of top judges reminded that any written evidence the court may request the parties in preparation for trial. He may like to request the desired documents and to offer the plaintiff or the defendant to bring them to the meeting yourself. A different approach has seriously violated the right of citizens to access to justice. Besides, the Supreme court considered the harassment policy of the Krasnodar judges that the plaintiff himself is not attracted to participate in local authority care. As highlighted in the definition of the Supreme court, the court has all the resources in order to attract citizen or organization by a third party independently. Because of numerous violations the case was returned for reconsideration in the court of first instance.