well-Known former figure skater Tatiana Navka emotionally commented on the rumors about the illness of his son Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya. It supported a few and appeared in the media attempt to achieve a “rotten” fame.

In his Instagram Navka commented on the journalist of the article, which States that seven years of Alexander Plushenko allegedly suffers from Asperger’s syndrome – a mental disorder in which the person experiences serious difficulties in social interaction. Navka called material journalists with a mixture of falsification of facts, distortion of truth, far-fetched words and of thirst the sensation.

she told me that She knows personally, Plushenko Jr. as “purposeful, advanced, naughty and sporty boy.” She recalled that he first and foremost just a child who is experiencing a period of identity formation and exploring the world.

“I Sincerely wonder who you have to be to pour dirt into a clean children’s world?! How nerve it?! Support his parents! Yana and Zhenya well done, the truth is on their side!!!”, – wrote Navka.

Informed journalists that wrote about the “disease” of the son of Plushenko, criticized the Olympic champion in figure skating Alexei Yagudin. According to him, rumors about the child of the star couple is already “beyond”.

In an interview with “MK” Plushenko and Rudkovskaya stated that they intend to “punish liars” who have written about their son. The couple plan to sue the journalists, noting that it was “not a question of principle – a matter of life”.

see also: Scandal with the son of Plushenko and Rudkovskaya broke show business into two camps.