Australian nutritionist Leanne ward gave six simple tips that will help you obtain the figure of dreams and permanently preserve the desired weight. Its recommendations led to the publication Daily Mail.

For starters, ward advises to get rid of the bad habit of stress-eating and bad mood. The nutritionist believes that an outlet can be reading books or just walking. The Australian also noted that thirst is often confused with hunger, so it is best to take a SIP of water, to which you can add lemon.

second, the expert recommends to have for lunch the salad or the vegetables from which to make smoothies. “You can make a drink with spinach or zucchini,” said ward.

the Nutritionist also urged not to abuse the semi-finished products and give preference to healthy fats like avocado, nuts and olive oil.

Eat slowly and thoughtfully, without being distracted by watching TV or reading social networks in your phone. Ward recalled that feeling of fullness comes only after 20 minutes.

the Australian also advised to drink water before and during meals. This useful life hack will save you from overeating.

Finally, don’t forget about the benefits of movement. If the diet provides 70 percent of the weight loss the remaining 30 percent. Ward believes that it is desirable to place ten thousand steps daily.