The mother of rapper Timati Yunusov Simon said in his Instagram that he wanted “to leave this virtual space” because they do not see the point in keeping a diary.

“I’m seriously thinking of leaving this virtual space. I have no idea to promote your page, aims to become famous, then why?… I want to share my experience with young people, but what times the children listened to the elders?!” she said.

Yunus also stressed that forced to talk about their relationship with their grandchildren, to “meet “righteous anger” of some peeping and expressing your opinion.”

“the Birth of a granddaughter filled life a different meaning and I wanted to share with you the history of its development, as we lived together and Alice has grown in my eyes. (…) With Alice, I still spend a lot of time, but she lives with her mother, as befits a six year old child,” she said.

Speaking about her grandson, Yunus said that he had not seen him for two months, ever since he started to act a mode of self-isolation of coronavirus.

“the Address where it is possible to see, you know,” she said.

According to the “StarHit”, formerly a Timothy’s mom was accused of being too zealously engaged in the upbringing of a granddaughter, not allowing her mother Alena Shishkova to build their own relationship with her daughter. While critics have expressed confidence that Simona Yunusova is reportedly aiming to take away and little grandson of the current sweetheart of his son of Anastasia Reshetova.

Rambler wrote that Timothy and the Alena Shishkova met for several years. In March 2014, they had a daughter Alice. Currently, the rapper is Dating another model, Anastasia Reshetova. In October of 2019 she gave birth to a son of.