Money is uniform wants to give prosecutors the Ministry of justice. To spend the Agency plans for 13 million rubles annually.

Superiors and other officers of high rank money won’t hurt. In the list of clothing items for gossovetnika office 39 positions for Junior staff – 35. The difference in amounts strong enough. For example, the purchase of leather jackets with a collar of Karakul senior prosecutors will be laid 34420 rubles. The same jacket, but with cheaper fur for ordinary employees is estimated at 27995 rubles. By the way, judging by the proposals of factories and stores of uniforms in the Internet, this jacket is an average of 40 thousand rubles. So it is possible that prosecutors will have to pay out of pocket. Double breasted jacket for the higher ranks of the authors of the list was estimated at 28800 rubles. Same but from a list for younger employees, only 5485 rubles. True, the more expensive provided for sewing. On pants with piping for ordinary prosecutors will be allocated 2445 rubles, the same, but with stripes for high officials – 5790 rubles. Black leather shoes employees will have to manage to buy for 1950 rubles. High ranking on it will give 3100 rubles. But compensation for the tie pin-bow needs to reconcile all: it is the same – 75 rubles. T-shirts too for all “equal” – for 858 rubles apiece.