on the eve of victory Day, the government introduced a bill containing a package of anti-crisis measures. The main for education, as it became known “MK”, were two such measures – the possibility of partial cancellation of the exam and increase the number of budget places in universities and colleges.

Immediately we emphasize: under the conditions of ordinary life in the unified state examination nobody attempts, and they remain a reality in our lives. However, in the current crisis — a situation the bill, which, no doubt, will be passed by the Parliament immediately after the holidays, gives the authorities the right to make the final assessment after the 9th and after 11th grades is optional.

In this case, the certificates of basic General (i.e., after successful graduation of 9th class) and General secondary education (i.e. after 11 th grade) may be issued without surrender of MSE-9 and use-11. The results of the state final attestation and, simply speaking, test scores, in this scenario, you will use the results of the interim evaluation. That is the annual level of the student.

However, not so simple. The fact that finish school without the exam and receive a certificate confirming this fact, due to enter the system will be possible. But to do with such a certificate in College — not! To do this, as before, will have to pass unified state exams, because they are the only passport to higher education.

– the Introduction of a system of graduation this year was indeed one of the previously discussed solutions to the difficult situation created by the pandemic coronavirus this year, explained “MK” Rosobrnadzor. In this case, the guys who plan to continue their studies at universities are exempted from having to appear at the places of holding exams to pass there final testing. They will receive certificates and so, but universities do not. Therefore, prospective applicants to pass the exam required.

the Purpose of these emergency measures is simple, said the Agency.

– As expected, exemption from final exams part of the graduates of the current year should significantly reduce the number of students. For example, the most popular exam is a mandatory exam on the Russian language. If it came to pass, we would have received about 700 thousand participants. And so it will be into tens, but, rather, for tens of thousands less. This will significantly reduce the risk associated with the epidemiological situation, and allow you to take more effective preventive measures.

in addition, make it clear in Rosobrnadzor, the exam in this case, the painless will be put off for a later date, after graduation, this measure will not tear, and pupils together with their parents, not in��is to keep in limbo.

Another measure involves the possibility of increasing the number of budget places in colleges and universities. Its purpose is also clear. In conditions of economic crisis which inevitably followed the end of the pandemic, many families will not be able to pay for children’s education, not dobrovich a few points for admission to the budget. And these guys will remain on the street, because with the fall in the standard of living economists predict for the Russians and a significant growth of unemployment.

see also: Prom-2020 can still be