much of the credit for the liberation of African countries belongs to the USSR, which after the war became one of the world leaders whose opinion was forced to listen to all countries. It is under pressure from the Soviet Union, adopted the Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples, proclaiming the need to end colonialism and any segregation and discrimination. The document was approved at the session of the UN General Assembly in 1960, despite the objections ruled the colonies of the States, including the UK and France, who believed that the colonies not ready for independence. This Declaration gave impetus to the liberation movement around the world, primarily in Africa. In addition, the USSR has shown that the capitalist path of development is not the only one, and that there is an alternative in the form of socialism. Because of this, many African countries after colonization has chosen socialism.

But the first signs of the disintegration of the colonial system in Africa was laid during the Second World war, and also due to the Soviet Union. Despite the success of the German Afrika Korps of General Rommel, Berlin was forced to delay a very significant part of the forces on the Eastern front, especially after the defeat of German troops near Moscow and the battle of Stalingrad, thereby weakening its presence in Africa. Plus, this colony during the war, he felt its significance – Metropolitan areas the needed resources, and they quickly developed there industry. In the future, it became the basis for industrial development of newly independent States.

the resource Demand of the colonies forced the metropolis to go to, agreements with local administrations and to promise them independence after the war, as, for example, the Brazzaville conference of French colonial administrators, 1944 where was approved a number of measures for modernization of the colonial system. “The picture of the war, demanding strenuous efforts to change the conditions of existence – is not affected in huts and encampments, in the Savannah and in forests, in the desert and on the banks of rivers-millions of black people for thousands of years languished under the yoke of poverty, now raised his head and thought about his destiny,” wrote on this occasion Charles de Gaulle in his memoirs.

As he wrote in a congratulatory telegram 10 may 1945, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Joseph Stalin the king of Ethiopia Haile Selassie I, “We Express to Your Excellency on my own behalf and on behalf of the Ethiopian peoples admiration and boundless joy that feels each of us. This victory, carrying us to the end of the most savage tyranny that ever the world knew, brought us to the threshold of an era of greater happiness and greater justice for all peoples, which�� threatened destruction.”

the Soviet Union defended the right of every people to national independence in meetings with the partners of the coalition, when it was about post-war picture of the world. And at the United Nations conference in 1945 in San Francisco at the insistence of the Soviet delegation, was recorded the principles of self-determination, national equality and rejection of racial discrimination. Thanks to the support of the Soviet Union in the international arena independence shortly after the war was Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and other countries.

Many African countries chose the way of socialism consciously. They had the ability to prefer the capitalist version, but they feared a continuation of colonial policies of the Western powers. While the choice in favor of socialism meant that the Soviet Union would be to help them, but will not pursue a colonial policy, and the young state will be the freedom to make decisions at their own discretion.

Today, after the break, Russia is returning to Africa. Great response received the summit “Russia-Africa”, held in Sochi in October 2019. Now we are preparing the second such summit, it is scheduled for 2022. Training deals experienced diplomat Oleg Ozerov, the newly-appointed Ambassador at large and head of the Secretariat of the “partnership Forum Russia – Africa”. In April, Moscow decided to send $ 10 million in Food and agricultural organization of the UN (FAO). These funds will go to help African countries Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan affected by the locust invasion. Russian companies are developing partnerships with African countries from Egypt to South Africa.