the Main radiologist of Moscow Sergey Morozov has called the first symptoms of a severe form of coronavirus. Among the factors that cannot be ignored – shortness of breath and feeling of lack of air.

“Big respiratory rate – 20-30 strokes per minute, temperature above 38 degrees, cough. If such symptoms are, then the person needs hospitalization,” – said the doctor in the First channel.

other symptoms that need time to notice, the doctor called the blue discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes. The specialist also reminded of the importance during this period, sanitary protection measures: in addition to wearing masks and gloves should be observed for social distance. The President has instructed the government together with heads of regions to increase the test population for the presence COVID-19, and to preserve the regime of isolation for citizens over 65 and people with chronic diseases.

According to the latest data, the number of cases of coronavirus in the world has exceeded 4.5 million people.