Russian President Vladimir Putin wrote an article for the American magazine National Interest, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory in world war II.

the Russian version of the text published on the Kremlin website. “Russian President offers a comprehensive assessment of the Second world war, saying that today European politicians and especially the Polish leaders seek to “sweep under the rug” the fact of the Munich agreement,” says the journal. The thesis of the article — the selection of “b”.

theTreaty of Versailles became for Germany a symbol of profound injustice and national humiliation, have formed the breeding ground for radical and revanchist sentiments. This directly or indirectly contributed to the Western States, primarily the United Kingdom and the United States.

Munich agreement served as a trigger, after which a big war in Europe became inevitable. Britain and France chose to abandon its guarantees, and to throw Czechoslovakia to the wolves. And to direct the aspirations of the Nazis to the East with an eye to Germany and the Soviet Union collided and bled each other.

Stalin and his entourage deserve the many fair charges. We remember the crimes of the regime against its own people, and about the horrors of mass repressions. The Soviet leaders can be criticized in many ways, but not a lack of understanding of the nature of external threats.

signed the non-aggression Pact with Germany against the real danger to face a war on two fronts — with Germany in the West and with Japan in the East. The ensuing tragedy of Poland — entirely on the conscience of the then Polish leadership. In September 1939, the Soviet leadership had the opportunity to push back the Western frontier further West, all the way to Warsaw, but decided not to.

In November 1940, Hitler offered the USSR to join the Covenant of the three — Union of Germany, Italy and Japan. The Soviet leadership has rejected discussion of this question.

In the defeat of Nazism decisive contribution to the Soviet Union. the USSR lost a seventh from its citizens, the UK is one of 127, and the United States — one of 320 people. Thanks to the allies.

All States must intensify the process of opening its archives, the publication of previously unknown documents of the prewar and war periods, as does Russia in recent years.

Historical revisionism in the West, particularly in relation to the topic of the Second world war and its outcome, the threat that cynically distorts the understanding of the principles of peaceful development laid down in the 1945 Yalta and San Francisco conferences.

After the war the victorious powers overcame raznovesia and created Yalta system, which for decades kept the world from a global conflict. This is necessary to maintain and improve. Based on common historical memory, we need to trust each other.

it is Necessary to conduct a meeting of the leaders of the five nuclear-weapon States — permanent members of the Security Council.