A few days ago on the site of one of the well-known Internet media published an article in which a doctor suggested that his son Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya sick with Asperger’s syndrome. Ian decided to keep with it, turned to the magazine and said it plans to sue them in court. To support Rudkovskaya in anti-libel decided her friends Tatiana Navka and Dima Bilan.

A few days ago on the website of the magazine “StarHit” published an article in which an unnamed specialist suggested that the son of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko suffers from Asperger’s syndrome. This is the conclusion the doctor did because of the strange behavior and “glazing of gaze” little Sasha. Although the claim that they only copied the information that appears in a kind of Telegram-channel, on them fell the wrath Rudkovskaya. Ian reported that he had tried to resolve the conflict with the site, but she did not go forward, but because she would have to go to court. Sasha says, completely healthy, and therefore words given on the website, can be called slander. The journalists who wrote the article, Ian was accused of treason and incompetence.

To support the family Plushenko decided the skater Tatiana Navka. Her daughter Nadia, and Sasha has been skating, children often spend time together at various events. “You know Sasha personally motivated, developed, mischievous and athletic boy, perseverance and hard work to learn many adults. First and foremost he’s just a kid, which is the period of formation of personality that learns and sees the world with wide eyes! Therefore, I sincerely wonder who you have to be to pour dirt into a clean children’s world?! How nerve it?! Support his parents! Yana and Eugene fellows, it must be truth!”, — wrote in support of the family Tatiana.

With her to stand up for the Yana and Eugene decided Dima Bilan, a close family friend and godfather of Sasha, also unflatteringly responded about an unknown pathologist and journalists. Dima and Tatyana Rudkovskaya thanked for their support. As Rudkovskaya and Plushenko stress that I do not see the diagnosis nothing terrible, tolerant towards children with different characteristics and would not have to hide, if their son had Asperger’s syndrome. However, slandering article may stumble not only parents, but also Sasha, who reads well, but because to forgive so they are not going.

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Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.