Member of the presidential Council of the Russian Federation on development of civil society and human rights, Commissioner for human rights in the Sverdlovsk region, member of the working group

What amendment to the Constitution that you feel are most important?

I’ll Tell you about the four amendments, in which he participated. Because they believed that it is necessary to change something. All the rest – and the amendments of the President and deputies and members of the working group – each of them have their value.

For me, a very important report of the Central Bank before deputies of the state Duma. I see that some events happen not in public. The population has issues. You know, I spoke to the President in human rights day on 10 December. And I said, how did in our opinion poorly controlled some consumer cooperatives, which collect money from people and then go bankrupt. In my opinion, people affected by all this will excite the necessary report. And they will watch what is happening on the podium of the State Duma, and may advance, having seen the agenda, this issue will write to their MPs. This is the first.

the Second is respect for human labor, protection of labor rights of citizens. Much has been done, we have a good labour code. But when there is a procedure, such as bankruptcy, then first and foremost take into account the interests of the owner. Because the property is well emphasized in the Constitution. And salaried workers, workers often get this response – due to the lack of property in debtor, your debt is considered repaid. Importantly, protection of labor rights, and the Constitution is written.

the Third amendment, which is important to me – our wonderful cultural figures who wrote about the culture as about the great heritage of our people. I think this is very important. Every head should have this in front of their eyes.

the Fourth amendment of mine, which were reluctant to put lawyers to the Constitution. I had the last stage to request to Express their opinion, Vladimir Vladimirovich. This amendment – to promote the development of civil society. Civil society is, and lawyers are not formulated. Therefore, I suggested. And the President agreed. My amendment, which sounded like promotion of civil society – got some other writing – support to civil society is even better.

People first put the four amendments of health. It is strongly influenced by the situation with coronavirus. I was a witness as well as fought for these amendments to our doctors.

How, in your opinion, the adoption of amendments to the Constitution will be able to improve the lives of ordinary citizens of Russia?

As the Commissioner for human rights, I sought to have been available and guaranteed legal assistance – we have achieved the law on free legal aid. And now, when this law appeared, our lawyers said, this is the last that appeared in the making of the Constitution. In ensuring that new amendments will be developed a series of instruments, which develops and produces the mechanisms that the Constitution was in force. In addition, the epidemic has shown how important it is to reckon with the heads of regions. That is, if the President has not given them their powers during an epidemic, it would be much more difficult. The head region bears a huge responsibility, but at the same time, he had a free hand in many directions.

I ran through the Constitution itself. I believe that our Constitution is one of the best in the world.