Tag: the Government of the Russian Federation

Scientists from the University of Bonn through a random sample was tested for antibodies to the coronavirus 1000 residents of the village of Gangelt, in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Antibodies were detected in 14%, 2% studied showed signs of infection COVID-19.
A few days ago, the Prime Minister of Russia Mikhail Mishustin signed an order that henceforth and forever the production of snails in Russia included in the list of agricultural activities. With all the ensuing consequences: grants, subsidies and other support measures of the manufacturer.This is not a whim of the new Prime Minister, and the present initiative from below. With such offer to Vladimir Putin at the end of last year on important agricultural meeting turned suburban farmer Sergey Balaev.
The Italian government decided to prohibit the holding of football matches with the audience until 2021, announced on Twitter by the journalist of TV channel beIN Sports Tancredi Palmeri
When will the pandemic coronavirus in Russia depends on the Russians will comply with self-isolation and other regulations of the government. Said "the parliamentary newspaper" Advisor to the Director, Central research Institute of epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, academician Victor Maleev.
An emergency meeting of OPEC countries+ scheduled for April 9, which will be held in format of teleconference – the center of attention of market players all over the world. The stakes are high: either the States together fail to agree on the reduction of production volumes of "black gold", or the barrel will fall to record low levels, bringing the economies of producing countries, and so lying on the side of the pandemic, a new untold disaster. A lot depends on participation in the dialogue States that have not previously been aside from cutting production. According to preliminary data, the consent to capacity limitation gave Norway, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Mexico, and Canada and the United States. However, the participation of the two countries in remote negotiations are not officially confirmed.

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