Yury Grymov has opposed online performances

the Organizers obviously wanted to present a palette of the capital’s theaters from the most successful (in the face of the Vakhtangov theatre Kirill KROK) and strong (“Modern” by Yuri Grymov and mtyuz with Nonna Grishaeva) to failure, but struggles striving for success (Gorky art theatre Director Tatyana Yaroshevsky). Previously stated leader of the Provincial theater of Sergey Bezrukov had not.

the First took the floor of Nonna Grishaeva. As the head of the regional theatre of young spectator, she admitted that the first time quarantine worked as a therapist for their artists, bewildered in conditions of isolation. Her theatre, like many others, translated some part of the repertoire of the network format: this is mainly affected qualitatively captured the performances of the small stage.

– And yet, we have to read online children’s books and poetry. I’m going to read the tale of Peter pan, told Nonna Valentinovna configured, it seems that the most optimistic scenario with quarantine. In any case, her theater plans to produce the premiere of the musical “Sleeping beauty” on 2 and 3 July. But how is it really? Ask yourself, as they say, coronavirus. Maybe mtyuz will work in the summer, which is traditionally considered “dead” to theaters? This question, according to Grishaeva, has to decide the Governor of Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov.

Much more relevant repertoire of questions asked of the financial situation. Kirill KROK said that the theatre has sufficient financial cushion.

– no money will not lose: from cleaners to the people’s artist. The most important thing now is to preserve the team – said the CROC.

he Also added that under the most favorable forecast ticket market will recover no earlier than September. But in any case, the theaters will have to significantly reduce ticket prices. But where to go? The viewer, if the theaters will not lose with the purse after the quarantine and in the conditions of falling oil prices are clearly problems.

In this he was supported by the artistic Director of theatre “Modern” Yury Grymov, noting that all the actors will continue to receive salary in the same size. His “Modern” is preparing to release three premieres after the quarantine.

I Must say that Grymov was resolute and categorical, stating that “live broadcast can cause great harm to the theatre.

– I believe that, first, high-quality recording is a very time-consuming and expensive process. And secondly, I think because of this “pause” people who wanted to get into theaters, you may simply not want to come back. I watched the lectures of different experts. They are for 5 minutes only sound forge, and then I look at their nostrils. It’s impossible. Lost all the magic.

However, after the ban on holding mass events, the only way for theaters remains online communicating with the audience.

Great interest in theatrical debate showed four-legged friends speakers. Kirill KROK, which at this point was joined by a curious dog breed Jack Russell Terrier, clearly histaminase in isolation, agreed with the position Grymov. Despite the fact that Vakhtangov theatre for seven years developing its online platform, the demand for network shows leaves much to be desired.

All the leaders agreed that online content must differ from what people can see in person. It would be fair not only to the viewer, but also in relation to authors of works of art. Yury Grymov, also put next to a pet breed Yorkshire Terrier, I noticed that the viewer does not immediately return to the theatre, and that artists, rather than bureaucrats and MPs, will lead the country in a normal moral condition after quarantine.

the Moscow art theater named after Gorky in the face of artistic Director Boyakov (for technical reasons was not able to hold a conversation), and theatre Director Tatyana Yaroshevsky reported on the incremental potential due to marketing policies. Well, if achievements special (the Moscow art theatre on Tverskoy Boulevard, while more well-known conflicts in the workplace and offendedNoah Tatiana Doronina), then there is hope for marketing.

after the meeting, Kirill KROK has called on the government to pay attention to private theatres, which need financial support.

Read also: the Government has prepared a ventilator for the culture