Tag: Film and TV with Susanna Alperina

In the broadcast channel NTV detective goes about one of the most notorious cases of the Soviet Union - "the Hunt for the singer". The plot is based on a real story about one of the most notorious and secret Affairs - the assassination of Soviet pop diva Alla Pugacheva
From 13 April on channel "Russia 1" has started serial film "zulaikha opens his eyes". Shortly before the cinepremiere channel "Russia 1" to set up a virtual press conference where the creators said about him. Part of the quotations given in the "RG"
Premiere of the new film "the Fairy" by Anna Melikyan with Konstantin Khabensky and Ekaterina Ageeva in the lead roles will take place in the Network. You can regret that good films, potential blockbusters designed for the big screen, go to the Internet
The TV channel "Russia 1" was held an unprecedented concert "We are together". In support of those who grapple with Covid-19, at the Bolshoi theatre, Yuri Bashmet, Dmitry Pevtsov, Sergei Polunin, Sergei Garmash, Dmitri Bilan and other artists
On the website "RG" is an online interview with TV presenter Dmitry Borisov. Live he will answer questions from the Explorer, "RG" Susanna Alperina on television and the Internet in the era of pandemic

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