Find belongs to the 4th century ad.

During the excavations in Western Norway, in the area of FOSS Engineers, archaeologists found the remains of an ancient grave, in which, in addition to ceramic pots, glass vessels and bronze pins were discovered 18 extended tokens and dice in the form of an elongated bar with numbers.

RT @EZuelow: Roman-era game pieces, rare die found in burial cairn in Norway #History #Archaeology #Norway

According to experts, this finding relates back to the 4th century ad. Similar Board games checkers-type archaeologists met earlier during excavations in the territories belonging to the Roman Empire.

Des archéologues découvrent un jeu de société de vieux 1700 ans dans l ouest de la #Norvège, qui aurait été inspiré par le jeu romain Ludus latrunculorum, tout en servant de prédécesseur d’un jeu d’âge Viking plus célèbre, Hnefatafl

it is believed that this Board game is analogous to the Roman game Ludus latrunculorum or Latrunculi, writes The History blog. The presence of the burial testifies to the high status of the deceased, as it played only the representatives of the Scandinavian elite.

Found artifacts will be studied in the laboratory of the University of Bergen.

Catherine Gura

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