a Fun and delicious challenge.

Sitting at home on isolation, many people became interested in cooking, and it is not surprising that in social networks there is a challenge with baking. The new mob is called frog bread (“bread-toad”). This is a simple recipe pastry baked in the form of a toad.

the Recipe for this bread appeared online back in 2005, but now remembered about it, and it became very popular. A classic recipe “bread toad” is 1 Cup of warm water, 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 teaspoon yeast. Mix everything in a bowl, then cover with foil and leave until the foam. Then add flour to make a malleable dough, add the salt and spices. It is necessary to form a toad and put it in 40-50 minutes in a preheated 180 degree oven.

Despite the simple recipe, the toad turns out not all. But it’s interesting to see her photo in social networks.

Catherine Gura

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