in the absence of the necessary documents of visitors just can “expand the airport”.

Many of the resorts of the Krasnodar, Stavropol and the Altai territory have already opened their doors for vacationers, and in the Crimea, tourists from other regions of Russia are waiting for 1 July. However, as described in ATOR, due coronavirus sanatorium obliged to settle only those visitors, who will show three defined CPS reference:

the Resort map is an extract from the medical history and physician. Certificate of absence of coronavirus, obtained 72 hours prior to departure to the vacation spot. A certificate of health.

— I would recommend to have all three references. Tourists who have no such certificates, can deploy at the airport. After a sanatorium is criminally responsible if he inhabits a tourist even without one of these certificates, — explained the Executive Director of ATOR Maya Lomidze in an interview to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”.

Those who prefer to go on vacation a savage, she recalled that not all regions of the country lifted restrictions, so the probability of being in the Observatory is high.

Previously, Prime Minister Russia Mikhail Mishustin said that the country will begin to open the tourist season on 1 July. It touches the most coveted Russians regions — Kuban and Crimea. On the Peninsula called on the Russians safely booking a stay from the second month of summer.