Became known terms, which have peak mortality from COVID-19 in Moscow. About this newspaper "Izvestia" with reference to the Director of the Institute for medical Parasitology, tropical and vector-borne diseases name E. I. martynovskogo sechenovskiy University Alexander Lukasheva.

According to him, mortality is lagging the incidence of 14-17 days. So, in the next week the number of deceased patients with the coronavirus to grow, and then the expected decrease in this indicator.

"If Moscow is the peak incidence was approximately 11 may, 2 June will be the peak of mortality" – suggested Lukashev.

The specialist also said that in the future the coronavirus will become a seasonal disease. At the same time in Moscow there will be no serious outbreaks.

"COVID-19 will become a seasonal disease. But it won’t cause devastating epidemics. At least in Moscow," said Lukashev.

He added that now the flash COVID-19 in many regions is on the decline. While citizens should continue observing all precautions.

"the Danger still exists. Therefore, you should not relax, and approach to the lifting of restrictive measures in different regions needs to be individual", – said the virologist.

Earlier in Moscow has died the 71 patients with COVID-19. This was reported by the Operational headquarters on control and monitoring of the situation with coronavirus in the capital. Thus, the total number of deceased patients in the capital amounted to 2 254 people.