Beauty blogger ISA Anokhin has shared details about the conflict with her ex-husband does Anaheim.

She said that the ex-spouse insists on communicating with their son Elvis, although he blocked the phone number ISA.

"Ex husband blocked my number, and now says cannot communicate with his son. Can you unlock me first? Or how should I message send? Carrier pigeon? Annoy me such father," — quoted blogger on the portal

In addition, the spouses clash over General business.

ISA Anokhina and Dmitry Anokhin was married for five years. Beauty blogger had to live in two houses, Bali, and Russia, where her projects. As noted by the ISA Anokhin, the husband wanted to stay on the Islands, and she wanted to live in Moscow, so the marriage broke up.

Beauty blogger also reported that the spouse not involved in the child’s life or pay child support. However, she said that the breakup with rapper Body was much harder.

Now ISA Anokhin is in a relationship with the lead singer Oleg Miami. Rumors about their relationship emerged last year. However, ISA has stubbornly kept it from me, saying she didn’t feel Miami no feelings. Later beauty blogger admitted that she and Oleg are not only friends, wrote the company informed.