Sending the country into a six-week period-working days, Putin said: no wage cuts, no more layoffs at this time should not be. However, the reality was not so. Salary as on our own experience, many fell immediately, and there began and dismissal. For example, recently about the mass layoffs that began during a pandemic coronavirus, in the “MK” was told from the St. Petersburg state agrarian University.

– At the next meeting of the Academic Council of Spbgau when approving the staffing table for the 2020-2021 academic year, the decision was made on the reduction rate of 51 teaching available 284. And since all these rates are up to a third of teachers will soon leave the University, to horrified teachers.

the scale of the layoffs and in fact they look scary. Even if the street will be every third, and every fifth teacher, is in the good times, tragedy. And then, in a pandemic, “when not to find another job, but even to go to the University is absolutely impossible, suddenly make such a decision! And in addition they say that, if in the course of the admission campaign will have recruited enough students, there will be new dismissals! However, survivors of layoffs also will have a hard time. In order not to lose their jobs and the right to live, they will have to move at the rate of 0.5 or less, which will reduce the income of teachers!”- sighing at the University.

Angered teachers and the other conditions of extreme secrecy and secretiveness in which he took the fateful decision for many: “

– All this is well known to the staff only the words of the heads of departments. About this most important decision anyone of the teachers were not informed, although all decisions of the Academic Council shall be displayed on the University website. And it seems that the time of a pandemic when in University none of the professors there, was not chosen by chance – to do it without fanfare – no doubt at the University.

More than that. This decision was not made aware even of the trade Union organization of the University. So, according to the leader of the local propagaci “University solidarity” Irina Trushkina, about the upcoming reduction of staff of the faculty it became known only from the words of members of the Academic Council of the University. And this lack of information has led people to suspect the University administration in collusion.

– There is reason to believe that the “optimize” flag which is used to prepare the reduction, only a pretext, say the teachers.- In the dormitories for employees administration Spbgau reserves a place for those who here-here will move to Tsarskoe Selo (there is a University “MK”.) of the Stavropol University in our latter-day times��about acting rector. This means that teachers are freed space is not “optimizirovat”, and soon will be other people, former colleagues of the rector in his former place of work. Now work at the University and live in a dormitory of the University staff, who came at the invitation of the acting rector of Stavropol. All in all, since his appointment, he asked to leave “voluntarily” 14 employees, and their places were taken by former employees of Stavropol State agrarian University is still unclear who! Now there are warnings and remarks additional 10 employees of the University, so that soon the number of dismissed “at own will” will grow. The acting rector has already put in front of the HR Department the task to translate all staff on fixed-term contracts to a year. This leads to the fact that each of us will be more concerned to remain at his post and not lose the place of residence and not about the educational process!

the Indignant teachers of the University and members of the public prepared an open address to the President of Russia: “the General opinion of all who are not indifferent to the fate of the University: to take such steps as mass layoffs during a pandemic inadmissible!” they emphasize. The question of the admissibility of what is happening in pandemic conditions, we redirected the founder of Spbgau – the Ministry of agriculture. And got the following response:

“At the moment Saint-Petersburg state agrarian University organized the work of providing for the alignment of the ratio of teaching staff and students, as well as the share of workers in administrative and support staff total number of employees.”

however, as assure of the Ministry, “the reduction of employees for whom the University is the main place of work is not planned. Events can affect only the external part, the number of which currently stands at 72 people. Workers replacing such bets, are prompted to proceed with their agreement for a smaller proportion of bets with the possibility to participate more actively in projects of development program of the University. The University developed a new system of motivation of employees, based on objective indicators of effectiveness, as enshrined in the employment contract. It will allow you to assess the quality of the work and contribution of each teacher in the development of the University. Planned University events provide ample opportunities to the faculty to realize their pedagogical, scientific and creative potential and to earn a decent salary.”

all this Sounds convincing. Here are, in fact, reported “MK” prepodavatel, in the “discussion of the new project staffing administratino-economic part, where you enter additional engineering positions. Why? Would not be students, not teachers, but will the administration?”- they are asking a reasonable question.