Phased plan for the launch of the tourist season in the Crimea, providing for the opening of the Peninsula for regional tourism from July 1, approved at the Federal level. This was reported by Minister of resorts and tourism of the Republic of Kazakhstan Vadim Volchenko.

On the video gate Vice-Premier of Russian government Dmitry Chernyshenko cited the example of the stages that envisaged the Crimea and issued by the Federal centre, – the Minister said. – Under this plan, interregional tourism will be possible in July, subject to compliance with health centers and hotels of the recommendations of the CPS and stable epidemiological situation on the Peninsula.

the Ministry of resorts of Crimea continues to coordinate with the Federal tourism Agency and hotel owners algorithm and trigger conditions of sanatorium-resort centers and beaches of the Peninsula.

– We sent in the Federal centre several proposals to mitigate the requirements of the CPS and phasing of the work, the head of the Republic has supported us, – said Volchenko. – We assume tentatively on 15 June, the opening of sanatoria and hotels, with melitensia, roughly July 1 – misbecomes tourism, but it depends on approval from Federal agencies, which we are waiting from day to day.

At the same time to gradually open the tourism industry will enable the Crimea to extend the holiday season and open up the prospect of year-round work of a larger number of objects.

– We understand that Russia and Russians are extremely need improvement, and if we gradually and quietly run in the June and July season, it will not end neither in September nor in October, – says Volchenko. We simply do not have time to take everyone who is committed to clean air, the sea, to the mountains. So these months of autumn, we bring a high enough load. And if you continue to work competently, we will receive serious prospects year-round work.

On the Peninsula, we recall, continues to operate a heightened alert, during which to enter into the region can only Crimeans themselves, as well as with real estate in the Crimea, seconded authorities and workers-shift workers. The last two weeks are required to live in the Observatory at his own expense.

In neighboring Krasnodar Krai quarantine extended until June 21, but has already opened more than 70 resorts with the medical Board, and on June 6 will start to open some beaches.