a Rare example.

On the beach Marbella Golden mile 150 km Northwest from Cape town noticed a giant squid weighing nearly 318 kg.

the Animal was discovered by a local resident Adele gross. “I held my breath. Honestly, he was like a majestic prehistoric animal”, — quotes the words of the women of Newsweek.

the gross wanted to put it back in the ocean, but then noticed that the squid is dead. A rare example of a deep-sea squid brought to study in the South African Iziko Museum in Cape town.

Does, polirani Iziko Museums of South Africa (@izikomuseumssa) 12 BLK 2020 R. 7:46 PDT

Giant squid (Architeuthis dux) grow up to 13 meters. They live at great depths and are found so rarely that the first pictures of these animals in their natural environment were able to obtain only in 2004. due different habitats squid Architeuthis are slightly different in appearance, but the DNA showed that they all belong to the same species.

Anna Lysenko

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