Cigarettes in Russia, want to sell only to buyers 21 years of age. The health Ministry agreed to raise the age limit for tobacco users, reports TASS.

“it is Known that the development of lung function in humans ends in 21 year, and the formation of the pulmonary parenchyma can last up to 25 years, and the impact of any damaging factors before this age may subsequently cause irreparable harm lung health,” said chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of health therapy and General practice Drapkina.

In her words, nicotine is a neurotoxin, which can have long-term consequences for brain development, cause nervousness and disrupt learning ability.

The expert added that the tobacco industry marketing aimed at young people. It is therefore necessary to protect them by law.

This is the second specialist of the Ministry of health, acting on ideas to increase the age limit to buy nicotine products from 18 to 21 years. First, a similar idea was expressed by the chief psychiatrist-narcologist of the Ministry of health Yevgeny Bryun.

The Ministry of health has banned Smoking in kitchens and in bathrooms communal

Last year the Russian government approved the anti-Smoking concept of the Ministry of health. It provides reduction in the number of smokers by 2035 to 21%.

Earlier, the “Rambler” reported that on may 31 the world no tobacco Day and inform people about the deadly effects of tobacco consumption and passive Smoking.

Each year from health problems caused by Smoking, die of 300-400 thousand Russians.