In Moscow from coronavirus infection was cured already in 1517

For the past day recovered another 123 patients who underwent treatment of coronavirus infection in hospitals and clinics, said Anastasia Rakova, Deputy Moscow Mayor for social development.

In Moscow patients with a confirmed diagnosis of “coronavirus infection” are treated either in hospitals or at home depending on their condition. To confirm the absence of human disease, after treatment, the doctors conduct special studies.

in addition, all cases of SARS will now be considered capodistrian coronavirus infection. Doctors will closely monitor such patients, and in case of deterioration of the health of a person will be diagnosed and examined in one of the CT centers in Moscow.

More than 200 thousand tests for coronavirus did it for a month in Moscow To work and to the country: answers to key questions about digital badges

Learn more about the prevention of coronavirus and methods of combating the disease is possible by phone of hot line:(daily from 08:00 to 21:00), and .