the First successful lung transplant patient with coronavirus infection was conducted by the surgeons in Vienna.

the Operation did 45-year-old woman from Carinthia infected COVID-19 about eight weeks ago. The disease is so impressed by the bodies that breathe did not help her even the apparatus of artificial lung ventilation.

As of may 25 reported on the website of medical University of Vienna, this is the first such operation in Europe. Donor agencies brought by special transport from the Netherlands. Postoperative analyses showed that in the body of the patient are still particles of the coronavirus, but their number was so small that the tests he gives a negative result.

“Even the transportation of light and the preparations for the operation took place in difficult conditions, and from features logistics due COVID-19 and related protective measures, which were to be observed”, — said the head of the Department of surgery centre Walter Klepetko. According to him, the experts are very satisfied with the recovery process: the status of women has improved in just a few days after the intervention.