Emerson Royal has been the victim of an armed robbery in his native Brazil. A police officer who happened to be nearby rushed to the rescue of the Tottenham Hotspur right-back and fired numerous shots, it is said.

Attack at home: Tottenham star Emerson Royal was attacked by an armed robber in his home country of Brazil on Friday, according to a report by “O Liberal”. The 23-year-old right-back survived the attack unharmed.

Attack came after party: His father recounts: “After Royal left a party, the security guard who recognized him asked to take pictures with him. There Royal was ambushed at gunpoint, with the thief stealing his watch and other things personal belongings.”

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Police officer fires 20 shots: According to the “Dailystar”, a police officer who was off duty at the time drew his gun and opened fire. He is said to have fired 20 shots, one of which hit the thief in the back. He was taken to a nearby hospital.