Very long lasted marriage, Anastasia and Juliana.

In March, the pair posted on social networks beautiful pictures “of the best restaurant in Moscow”, and now Julian put in storis video where he shows the certificate of dissolution of marriage and says:

“I am free!”


The reasons of rupture of relations, the two parties told their.

Anastasia said that they are unable to resolve the issue with the children – she couldn’t conceive, surrogacy and adoption, the singer doesn’t approve of.

Julian claimed that the reason was too imperious, the dictatorial nature of its halves.

In the end, Julian also became the initiator of divorce.

Although, according to Anastasia, “this marriage”she “in the sick sit,” she tried many things to close my eyes.

Well today the ex-husband proudly declares its freedom, and the ex-wife hopes to reunite with another ex-husband.

“Honestly, I’m really looking forward to ex-husband Volodya (Vladimir Zudin, producer) ago. We talked on the phone, he supports me. Tell him how much you missed. Get together you? You know, I hope”,- quotes the words of the stars StarHit.

As previously wrote “the Rambler”, the wedding couple was held in March last year. One of the first of the event said the TV presenter Andrey Malakhov, published in his blog two short videos from the event.

For Anastass this marriage became the eighth.